HDPE collectors for heat recovery in ice stadiums - Rariplast
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HDPE collectors for heat recovery in ice stadiums

Reuse of waste heat from refrigeration systems? Today it is possible to convert it into thermal energy!

HDPE collectors for heat recovery in ice stadiums

What is refrigeration and how does a system work?

Refrigeration is the process by which a decrease in temperature occurs on a solid or liquid body. The refrigeration processes all have the same functioning: a liquid is cooled, generally water or air, through the evaporation of another fluid called refrigerant. Whether it is the flooring of an ice stadium or a refrigerated counter, the passages through which this phenomenon occurs remain the same and involve a waste of thermal energy which is released into the atmosphere.

The question then arises: why waste the heat that escapes from a refrigeration system?

To solve this problem and above all to increase the energy efficiency of a building, systems have been created for the recovery of residual heat from the cold machine, to be used for other uses. We recently produced a collector in HDPE for an ice stadium which served precisely to conduct the residual thermal energy in this plant. The heat was then reused to heat the water in the bathrooms with considerable economic and energy savings.

The initial investment will be amortized over the years. In fact, it is calculated that the saving is around 5000 m3 of gas, not to mention the environment, the real winner in the whole story.

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